Safety Rules of Bounce House

Bounce house may seem fun, however, it can also cause serious hazards to young users. You probably heard about news such about bounce houses been thrown into air by strong wind. Hence it is extremely important to learn about safety rules of bounce house usings, for both parents and children.

Rule #1 - Secure it firmly

Always secure the bounce house which you rent firmly. Make sure the bounce house is anchored tightly on the ground. The best way to achieve this is via sandbags or big rocks.

Rule #2 - Avoid bad weather

You have to admit it, the weather is unpredictable. When your party schedule gets an conflict with upcoming bad weather, such as windy days, the best solution is to just postpone it. Yes, I know it's heartbroken. But for safety' sake, let's savor the enjoyment at another time later.

Rule #3 - Don't exceed the weight limit

You may invite many kids to your kids birthday party, but rules are rules. There is a weight limit on every bounce house out there. They just can hold too much weight at the same time. So you have to arrange kids to take turns.

Rule #4 - Be aware of germs

Believe it or not, bounce house may be a hotspot of germs, especially those rental ones. It is always good to check with the rental company to find out if they sanitize and clean their bounce houses.

Rule #5 - Don't do anything stupid

You may think since it is bouncy, so it is safe intrinsically. Wrong idea! Just don't do anything dangerous on the bounce house.

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